
Welcome to Arbor Castle Birdhouses! 

Please be advised that my storefront location in Edom, Texas is now closed. I am currently focusing my creative energy on fine art projects and commissions, but I may have future birdhouse creations which will be made available for purchase on this website.

In the meantime, I invite you to check out my fine art creations and offerings at joehoppsfineart.com, and stay tuned for the Grand Opening of my latest endeavor at the Tyler Fine Art Gallery. You can also see some of my works featured at O3 Art Collective in Edom, TX. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook or feel free to shoot me an email at joehoppsfinart@gmail.com

I appreciate your understanding and thank you ever so kindly for your past & continued support!


Joe Hopps, Owner/Artist

Since time began hollow trees have been the traditional provider of shelter and nesting sanctuary for birds as well as mammals. Inspired by the subtle coloration, character, and natural beauty of the woodlands, JOSEPH HOPPS has taken this ancient life sustaining shelter to a new level. The different shapes, colors and textures make ARBOR CASTLE BIRDHOUSES unique among birdhouses as well as to each other.   Each house is decorated with hand crafted copper embellishments.  The whimsy brings smiles with the addition of stairs, ladders, turrets, dormers and two story entry ways. Upon completion, the character of each house, speaks at once of mirth, whimsy and days of yore.

Learn more about artist Joseph Hopps who was featured in Texas Highways Magazine.